

Monday at 8:00 PM

Tomas Danielis: Mainly love

Choreography/performance: Tomas Danielis,Music: Lubomir Drakh Panak,Poetry: Zuzana Husarova,Lights: Milan Slama / Tomas Danielis,Visual environment: Tomas Danielis,Photosensors: Jakub Pisek

“We…are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. I’ve met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence just like me.“ Ted Bundy


Mainly Love is a documentary based metaportrait of an autocratic personality which intertwine performance, interactive visual environment and excerpts of interviews with sexually abused women and human predator. Questions posed by Mainly Love attempts to go beyond surface and represent such an individual within stretched moments of his inner power workings, while investigating positions of gender, relation of sexuality to power and its consequences.

My motivation to create this performance was driven by the need to reconcile with the environment I live in as during recent period of my life, I kept repetitively asking why societies which I am part of are able to tolerate smaller or bigger autocrats, place their hopes in them and even tolerate and excuse their violence.

With great many thanks is this performance dedicated to all women which helped me to create this performance.

Despite based and built exclusively on documentary material, performance Mainly love does not proposes any definite statements neither it represent life of the author.
Performance is suitable for audience older than 16 years old.