Yuri Korec & Co.: Sapiens Territory *
entry: 12 € / 7 € študenti, seniori
Friday / 20.00 / Bratislava in movement / 12 € / 7 € students, seniors
Where does the body end and the models we squeeze ourselves in begin? Is it still even possible to distinguish between how they grew into an unseparable scrum, like when a broken foot grows into the plaster? Yuri Korec in his work Sapiens Territory deals with the violence we cause ourselves to mask who we are. But it also examines the violence that protects us from ourselves and the environment that stares at us almost all the time.
Presale: https://predpredaj.zoznam.sk/sk/listky/yuri-korec-co-sk-sapiens-territory-1-repriza-2020-10-10
entry: 12 € / 7 € študenti, seniori