

Monday at 6:30 PM

YMCA100: Bratislava’s YMCA in the 20th century. Current state and use of the building in Bratislava (+ excursion of the spaces)

entry: voluntary entry

YMCA building in Bratislava is a local cultural space which has formed the multi-cultural basis of the capital. How did YMCA actually start in Slovakia? What did YMCA bring in terms of living, education, culture and sport? What are the spaces of the building used for nowadays? 

 YMCA100 is a discussion, lecture and excursion program which zooms into the past, the present and the possibilities of the future use of this national cultural monument – as a part of the 100th anniversary of the opening of Bratislava’s YMCA building. 

 Lecturer: Lukáš Krajčír, PhD. / Historical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
Excursion will be led by Radovan Jančula, the building administrator of the YMCA building.

entry: voluntary entry