Theatre SkRAT: Smrťá žiťá (or Posledný majáles)
entry: 7 € / 5 € študenti / 2 € študenti VŠMU, AU, konzervatórií

Authors and actors L. Fričová, D. Gudabová, I. Hrubaničová, M. Chalmovský, T. Koprivčević, V. Zboroň and others (if they arrive), preparation of the text I. Hrubaničová and the collective of creators, set design and costumes by the collective of creators, music by T. Koprivčević, light design by B. Adamčík
How many deaths can one human survive? How much life is there in each death? What is left for actors if everybody acts these days? Is it their death? We need to live and reverse the roles. To act about what kind of human a human is when they don’t act.
Milan – parliamentarian: Okay, so, tell me: the summer one or the winter one? Last words!
Vlado – parliamentarian: Yes or no!
Inge – parliamentarian: I am for the winter one.
Vlado – parliamentarian: I don’t say winter or summer, I say yes or no.
Milan – parliamentarian: I say yes.
Vlado – parliamentarian: See?! You are actually agreeing with my summer time, yes.
Inge – parliamentarian: (desperately irritated to Milan) Dear colleague, I can’t believe this. How can you say yes if you don’t know what you’re saying yes to?!
The creation of the play was financially supported by the Slovak Art Council and Ars Bratislavensis.
entry: 7 € / 5 € študenti / 2 € študenti VŠMU, AU, konzervatórií