A Man in Space Suit
entry: 7 € / 5 € zľavnené / 1 € študenti

Tuesday + Wednesday / 20.00 / dramatic opera / 7 € / 5 € reduced price / 1 € students
story and libreto M. Tóth, directed by J. Komárek, dramaturgy M. Rosová, music M. Tóth, light
design and video edit J. Komárek, video V. Čákanyová, M. Tóth, scénografia L. Kucháreková,
starring A. Miltnerová, P. Mäkelä, M. Knoblochová, musicians M. Knoblochová, M. Kuna, P.
Magyar, M. Havrila, M. Csernoszky, M. Tóth
Extinct genre of dramatic opera.
The Earth is damaged, the humankind had moved to the Moon. After many years one human
decides to return out of nowhere – he packs his flag and embarks on a journey to his roots. But
what is he looking for? And what can he find on the long abandoned planet?
Visually and acoustically spectacular performance is loosely based on the story of Eugen Andrew
Cernan – an astronaut of Czechoslovak descent, who had repeatedly visited the country of his
origin and is devoted a museum in Vysoká nad Kysucou.
The performance was supported by The Slovak Arts Council in cooperation with OZ Gegangere.
entry: 7 € / 5 € zľavnené / 1 € študenti