Heritages: Milan Hodža and European integration
entry: voluntary entry

The idea of a peaceful, united and prosperous Europe has a long historical tradition and has been around since the half of the 19th century – but even one hundred years ago many were still only dreaming about it. A thought-through model of gradual integration of Europe and democratic values was introduced in the book Federation in Central Europe by Slovak politician and European statesman Milan Hodža (18787 – 1944).
Heritages are a cultural-educational format that takes the form of reading and interpreting archival materials and points to the inclination of Slovak writers towards humanist and democratic values. It aims to search for parallels and connection between the current problems in society then and now.
Presented by Mgr. Lukáš Krajčír, PhD., researcher of the Slovak historical institute of Matica Slovenská. This event was financially supported by Slovak Art Council.
entry: voluntary entry