Why exactly this? Maja Hriešik talks about contemporary dance you can experience in A4
entry: voluntary entry

A peek behind the scenes of contemporary culture.
Dramaturgy, programming and curating are the core of cultural centres character. A4 – space for contemporary culture has brought theatre projects, contemporary dance performances, experimental concerts and visual art to its audiences for 17 years. What makes A4 and all its performances, stage plays and installations specific? In the times of live culture’s corona-sleep we present you a series of lectures about what approaches, decisions and perspectives are behind its program. Professionals, theoreticians and artists in the field of contemporary dance, visual art and theatre will introduce the basic concepts and aspects of creative approaches that appear in the program of A4 and make it an important knot on the map of independent contemporary culture.
Maja Hriešik is a director, programmer and a publicists. In her work she deals with contemporary dance as a dramaturgist, curator and pedagogue at the Academy of Performing Arts. She is also interested in activism, community projects and social responsibility. She worked on projects like 100 Názorov, Silná zostava and Žíve mesto_FM. She is currently presenting the program Filmopolis_Fm at the Radio FM. She also devotes her time to dance promotion as a part of the organization Plast – Platform for contemporary dance and organizes supporting projects that make contemporary dance more visible.
entry: voluntary entry