Short film gala
entry: 6 € / 3 € zľavnené za deň alebo 4 € / 2 € zľavnené za blok

Friday + Saturday / 18:00 + 20:00 / film
The Short film gala comes along with the approaching winter solstice. Come and celebrate the shortest day of the year symbolically with four magical screenings of short films!. Find out about the magic of the film language, and get to know exceptional filmmakers and exceptional films.
Friday | 18:00 | in short with Slovak authors and authoresses
Friday | 20:00 | special premiere of a Slovak film
Saturday | 18:00 | Girls in Film – films by courageous female filmmakers
Saturday | 20:00 | eggtuitive dialogue – a film dialogue with the visual artist and storyteller Katarína Poliačiková
The celebration of the short film 2021 was financially supported by the Bratislava City Foundation and the Lita Fund.
The event is created in cooperation with the Slovak Film Institute and Film and Television
faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts. Many thanks to the Girls in Film curatorial team in
Prague and the ishorts platform.The Short film gala is curated and organized by Disco sailing.
entry: 6 € / 3 € zľavnené za deň alebo 4 € / 2 € zľavnené za blok