

Sunday at 8:00 PM

Tereza Krejcova & coll.: How to represent a broken heart?

entry: 8€ presale / 10€ at the venue / 5€/7€ students / 0€ seniors, people with health conditions or impairments

Concept, choreography T. Krejčová, creation, dance, set-design and costumes in collaboration with M. Giacomelli, D. Posada Sanchez, D. Lafabiana, L. Giovanetti, R. Aranha, R. Géczy, music Loscil, J. van Wissem, sound design J. Stromberg, light design E. Patrizi, O. Růžička, technical supervision O. Růžička, artistic consultations S. Holzer, Ch. Gouzelis

Romantic hero embarks on a cyclical journey – upset and misunderstood. A broken heart drives him forward, urges him to action – and that is how the search begins. The obvious answer is a utopia. Existential philosophy. Spiritual overlaps. Romanticism. They all center around the protagonist – restless individual searching for explanation – and perhaps for inner peace of his battles. The dance poem is a mirror to look into, prompting us to slow down while offering space for contemplation. Let’s not cling to the necessity of finding answers. Let’s experience the questions themselves. 

How to represent a broken heart? is a thirty minute long sextet. From the kingdom of animals to the depths of the human mind – the performance takes us on a hypnotic journey through a movement poetry about meetings. The hero and the herd. Animal instincts, power of intellect, inexplicable emotionality and above all that – the much  needed spirituality.

entry: 8€ presale / 10€ at the venue / 5€/7€ students / 0€ seniors, people with health conditions or impairments