Theatre SkRAT: Mono Fričová/Burgr/Chalmovský
entry: presale 9 € / 4 € reduced / at the venue 12 € / 8 € reduced

Directed by Ľ. Burgr, starring L. Fričová, Ľ. Burgr, M. Chalmovský, svetelný dizajn B. Adamčík.
This serie of three monodramas will tell you how to be prepared for meeting the person that irritates you. Mono is about the female body locked in the family life, and about the actor rethinking who he wants to really be in his own life.
The creation of this play was supported by the public funding of the Ministry of Culture.
entry: presale 9 € / 4 € reduced / at the venue 12 € / 8 € reduced