entry: free entry

An evening of contemporary performance art dedicated to our friend Katarina Morháčová – Kata Mach, who left us in December 2018. MACH wants to continue to develop the legacy left by Kata’s work: exploring current performance positions with a focus on themes of feminism, mental health, awkwardness, rebellion and DIY living across systems.
During this evening, you will experience five different performances:
- Andrea Tušimová / “Dotýkanie, nevôľa ublížiť” (Touching, not wanting to hurt)
- Katarína Poliačiková / “Barefoot Brunch”
- Celestína Minichová / “dérive každodennosti” (Dérive of the Everyday)
- Petra Nela Pučeková w/ Ivana Gážiová & Šárka Nohelová / “I Believe I am A Dancer But I Bruise Easily”
- Katarína Chilli / “Flaming Lips” (interpretation of original performance by Kata Mach)
The total duration of the performances will be approximately 1.5 hours. After the series of performances we invite you to the afterparty at 21:00. András Cséfalvay and Peter Barényi/DJ pb will play.
The MACH performance evening is organized by the team of Katarína and Martin Morháč, Zuzana Jakalová, Celestína Minichová and Katarína Poliačiková.
Podujatie z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia a Nadácia mesta Bratislavy.
entry: free entry