Theater SkRAT: MONO / Fričová / Burgr / Chalmovský
entry: presale 9 € / 4 € // at the venue 12 € / 8 €

Performers: Lucia Fričová, Ľubo Burgr, Milan Chalmovský; direction & music: Ľubo Burgr
Bauman writes: “Almost half of what is essential to human happiness has no market value and cannot be bought in shops.” Moreover, the vision of the good life confronts one with certain choices, “none of which, however, is without risk and insured against failure or later regret.” Despite efforts to the contrary, “life is lived in a society of uncertainty”.
Three monodramas – About a woman locked in the stereotype of family life, a man preparing to meet a person who has been bothering him for a long time and also a monodrama of an actor thinking about who he is and what he could still do in his life. Fričová, Burgr, Chalmovský thematise the fear of failure, loss of self-control and consequently self-esteem. A traumatic “relationship” with a person who is simply “harmful,” a frustration in which unfulfilled dreams or physical and psychological needs accumulate, are the backdrop for other meanings.
The performance is in Slovak and contains vulgarisms.
Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council and Bratislava City Foundation.
entry: presale 9 € / 4 € // at the venue 12 € / 8 €