

Tuesday at 8:00 PM

Uhol_92: Toni Wolff zisťuje, že prerobila milióny (version Carl)

entry: presale 9 € / 4 € reduced // at the venue 12 € / 8 € reduced

Text and direction: A. Vrzgula; dramaturgy: K. Cvečková; set design and costumes: A. Kutliaková; production: K. Kováčová; music: J. Čech; technicians: J. Čech, P. Dolog; starring: K. Gurová, L. Libjaková, J. Jablonský, K. Spáčová, P. Tilajčík

“I met her. SHE doesn’t know me, I do know her, but she smiled at me anyway. As if she knew. That meeting made my day, as if I didn’t even meet a person, but a Being.” … “SHE told me that my polycystic ovaries were the result of my unnatural ambitions. Women fight for equality, but they’re doing it the wrong way.”

SHE. They. Suddenly the world (Instagram) is full of them. They are here for us, for our own good. To help us find our lost femininity, to guide us, relieve us, to give us power, healing. Eye-pleasing photos, attractive words, harmonizing melodies, beads, vaginal eggs, webinars, seminars… What would Toni Wolff say to that? “To deal with the collective unconscious demands a solid ego consciousness and an adequate adaptation to reality.”

The latest production by the independent theater ensemble Uhol_92 continues on their analytical journey which they embarked on with their play Humiliated and Bloodthirsty (awarded at DOSKY 2022 in categories Best Directing – Alžbeta Vrzgula and Best costumes – Bet Moth). As a part of their societal and personal vulnerability the creative team approaches the topic of “conspiritualism”. The play is also a formal experiment. It was created in two different actors’ castings – one starring Jakub Jablonský (version Carl) and the other Peter Tilajčík (version Emma). Each version brings the same story arc but with each different cast the optics and nuances of gender and relationships change. If a viewer sees the play only once, they get 100% information. If they see the play two times, they will also get 100% of the artists’ intentions on top of it.

The creation of the text and the play was financially supported by public funds through Slovak art council as the main partner. The play creators would also like to thank the Literature Fund for support. Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council and Bratislava City Foundation.

entry: presale 9 € / 4 € reduced // at the venue 12 € / 8 € reduced