

Thursday at 8:00 PM

Theater SkRAT: MONO / Fričová / Burgr / Chalmovský

entry: presale 9 € / 4 € // at the door 12 € / 8 €

Performers: Lucia Fričová, Ľubo Burgr, Milan Chalmovský; direction & music: Ľubo Burgr

Monodramas by three actors: Fričová is terrified by her own life situation, in which she is forced to repress her individual needs, both psychological and physical. She questions the source of this discomfort and frustration, and so far none of the remedies seem to be effective.

Burgr in an “automated” daily ritual: Preparing for an encounter with an “unpleasant” person is a meticulously annotated process. It plans, analyses, evaluates the situation and the feelings – one’s own and those of the “other” person. It attempts distance, control over emotions, anticipates in an attempt not to lose self-control.

Chalmovsky’s monologue heads into the past. Fragments of memories are a biography confronting fulfilled and unfulfilled dreams and desires. Who he wanted to be and who he was to everything, and he struggles doggedly to convince himself of an interesting fulfilled life.

The performance contains vulgarisms.

Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council and Bratislava City Foundation.

entry: presale 9 € / 4 € // at the door 12 € / 8 €