Festival New Drama – Miklós Forgács: Lilith (Žilina Town Theater)
entry: 15 € / 10 € reduced

Directed by: Eduard Kudláč; dramaturgy: Daniela Brezániová; set and costumes: Eva Kudláčová Rácová; music: Peter Machajdík; production, camera, editing: Peter Kotrha; cast: Natália Fašánková, Ada Juhásová, Iveta Pagáčová, Michal Koleják, Michael Vrzala, Peter Martinček, Boris Zachar
Allegedly, Lilith was Adam’s first wife. She was made of the same red clay as he, so she expected that they would be equals. She refused to submit to him and left him before their union could take place. God then created Eve, however, not from clay, but from Adam’s rib. Adam and Eve were blessed with offspring. And Lilith became a demon, a seductress of men, a thief of children. Playwright Miklós Forgács took the myth of Lilith as the starting theme for his eponymous play, and director Eduard Kudláč developed it into a video-theatre project. The two male artists explore the essence of women through three actors and three actresses. In the character of Lilith herself, an artist and creator of her own idea of life (and theatre), a curious and free-thinking creature, encounters the archetypes of a woman and a mother. Her unbridled existence is confronted with the reality of daily operation, which is the source of philosophical-anecdotal situations interpreted in the cyclical, repetitive poetic language of the author. The production of Lilith is a science-fiction, information-poetic, and mystical-realist discourse on woman, her anger, uniqueness, and self-awareness.
The performance is suitable for ages 18+.
This event is organized by the New Drama Festival, so the A4 annual membership card does not apply.
entry: 15 € / 10 € reduced