/CANCELLED/ Theatre SkRAT: Unavená žiadosť
entry: presale €12 / €7 discounted // at the door €15 / €11 discounted

Starring: Ľubo Burgr, Milan Chalmovský, Lucia Fričová, Jozef Belica, Zdena Kvaskova, Barbora Repková; directed by Rastislav Ballek; music: Zdena Kvaskova, Ľubo Burgr.
This docudrama full of metaphors was created collectively. It contains acts that are stirring, musically underscored layered stage action, stylized as escalating stage chaos, drawing one gradually into more prosaic but more serious themes.
Dear visitors,
The leadership of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic is taking steps that are destroying Slovak culture! Their power interventions and changes in laws threaten our functioning as well as freedom and diversity of art. We protest against this course! The cultural centers associated in the Anténa network call on you, our audience, not to stay indifferent. We call on you to follow current events, visit our cultural spaces and discuss.
Stay with us and let’s fight together for free culture.
The creation of the production was supported from public funds by the Bratislava City Foundation and the Bratislava – Staré Mesto municipal district. The event was supported from public funds by the Slovak Arts Council and the Bratislava City Foundation.
entry: presale €12 / €7 discounted // at the door €15 / €11 discounted