

Monday at 8:30 PM

Bratislava in movement: threeiscompany & Jaro Viňarský (SK): IHOPEIWILL

entry: presale 12 € / 8 € discounted

What kind of future do you wish for your grandchildren?

Movement improvisation, limited by an intricate construction, as an artistic reflection of the current development of society. The performance raises the question of our responsibility towards future generations. It addresses serious issues such as the climate crisis and the increasing tension and aggression in society. This interdisciplinary work connects physical performance, sound design, and visual installation. The creators’ final message expresses a sense of anticipation and hope based on the belief that people have the ability to realize their individual responsibility for the shape of the world we live in.

This event is organised by the Bratislava in movement festival, so the A4 annual membership card does not apply.

entry: presale 12 € / 8 € discounted