

Tomorrow at 8:00 PM

Theater DPM: Nikdy Navždy

entry: €20 / €15 discounted

Aging actress. Therapist. Young influencer. Pegagogue. Lonely man.

None of them find peace.

They search for real connections, but really only find mirrors of themselves in others, dissolving into digital identities and an infinite number of virtual possibilities, working themselves to exhaustion, mostly on themselves. They experience a strange sense of burnout, a loss of wholeness and concreteness; their personalities have no edges, their bodies and souls are burnt out, and their scars are not fully healed. Isolated, narcissistic, worn out. Each of them carries hidden wounds that can reopen at any moment.

“Falk Richter’s texts tell the stories of people whose lives could be likened to the state of the ‘undead’ – they are scarred urban warriors in survival mode, ready to perform any act to prove to themselves that they are still alive.”

The German playwright and director Falk Richter wrote the play Never Forever in 2014 for the Schaubühne Berlin. Post-dramatic practices, where the theme of the production and the non-dramatic form of the characters’ speeches are always in the foreground, have been present in his texts for a long time. The author has long since resigned himself to the traditional retelling of a linear narrative, the building of characters, or the straightforward relationships between dramatic figures. The strengths of Richter’s texts, however, lie not only in the progressiveness of their formal treatment, but above all in his strong civic stance towards the ethical, social and political problems of the world in the time in which he works.

This performance is in Slovak language.

Translation, editing, direction: Marián Amsler
Movement cooperation: Stanislava Vlčeková
Scenography and costumes: Laura Štorcelová
Light design: Róbert Mačkay
Music: Kristína Smetanová
Photo and visual: Ľuboš Kotlár
Production: Karolína Kováčová
Starring: Edita Koprivčevic Borsová, Lenka Libjaková, Katarína Andrejcová, Šimon Ferstl, Jakub Jablonský

This event is organised by Divadlo DPM, so the A4 annual membership card does not apply.

Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council. The production was also financially supported by the Bratislava self-governing region, the Bratislava City Foundation and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Bratislava.

entry: €20 / €15 discounted