03. júna

Dance and physical theatre in Prague / July 15-20, 2013

Program of workshops:
Group 1: Miřenka Čechová and Radim Vizváry (Master Class – 6 days)
Group 2: Cécile Da Costa (FR) / Matěj Matějka (SK/PL) / Jiří Pokorný (CZ) (3 x 2 days)
Group 3: Rita Góbi (HU) / Oliver Pollak (D) / Patricie Poráková (CZ) (3 x 2 days)

Date: July 15 – July 20, 2013

Time: 10:00am – 2:00pm
Place: Prague, Czech Republic

The educative program Performing Arts for the Future is a project of 7 workshops for young artists and students from all over Europe. The inspiring idea is to create conditions for meeting emerging artists with legends of new theater. All participants of the workshops have free entry for the festival productions and they form the core of the festival. Participants are actively involved into the festival events and build contacts for future cooperation

This year these great artists as workshop leaders were invited. Matěj Matějka from The Grotowski Institute in Wroclaw, Czech dancer and choreographer Jiří Pokorný and tango performer Patrika Poráková. Oliver Pollak, a representant of mime corporel, Rita Góbi from Hungary, Cécile Da Costa with her exploration of the connection between corporeality and the power of the performer’s voice. After an excellent experience and great satisfaction of the participants from previous years, Radim Vizváry and Miřenka Čechová from Tantehorse will be leaders of Master Class workshops.

registration nultybod@gmail.com
websites www.nultybod.cz

We offer:
To spend a summer week as a part of 2 Prague theater festivals (Zero Point and Behind the Door) with the legends of performing arts and actively participate in their workshops
– 1 stipendium for a participant who will be chosen by us – best motivation letter
– Meeting the young generation with authorities of performing arts
-Contacts, creating conditions for future cooperation, both at European level
-Meeting with other artistic genres and different approaches as a prompt for further artistic work
– The participants of the Mater Class workshops will have an opportunity to present their work last day of the festival

We require:
– motivation letter
– curriculum vitae

First Round of Applications: Deadline June 30, 2013

• €150,- / participation in the workshop week + free admission to all performances – International Zero Point and Behind Doors Festivals

• €220,- / participation in the workshop week, open presentation + free admission to all performances + accommodation in Prague

Second Round of Applications: Deadline July 10, 2013

•€190,- / participation in the workshop week + free admission to all performances – International Zero Point and Behind Doors Festivals

• €260,- / participation in the workshop week, open presentation + free admission to all performances + accommodation in Prague

Group 1 (Master Class)
Miřenka Čechová a Radim Vizváry (CZ) / Tantehorse

Group 2
Cecile Da Costa (FR)
Matěj Matějka (SK/PL)
Jiří Pokorný (CZ)

Group 3
Rita Góbi (HU)
Oliver Pollak (D)
Patricie Poráková (CZ)

Group 1 (Master Class)
Miřenka Čechová and Radim Vizváry (CZ) / Tantehorse
The founders of Tantehorse focus on the techniques of mime corporel, contemporary dance and butoh in their courses. In addition, they emphasize the psychological and physical readiness of the performer to be present on stage as an emotional being. Miřenka Čechová and Radim Vizváry are both successful representatives of physical theater. Čechová’s recent performance, S/He Is Nancy Joe, was recognized in the prestigious Best of Dance 2012 listing compiled by The Washington Post. The course will be concluded by a public presentation as part of the program of the International Zero Point Festival.
Group 2
Cécile Da Costa (FR)
This course emphasizes the connection between the performer’s corporeality and vocal range. Utilizing vocal and breathing techniques, Cécile da Costa unearths new possibilities of physical expression in performance art. The main objective of the course is to synthesize the voice with bodily action.
Matěj Matějka (SK/PL)
A long-term member of Farm in the Cave as well as the Polish ZAR ensemble, founder of the Matěj Matějka Studio affiliated with the Jerzy Grotowski Institute. His courses concentrate on the performer’s physical action, group perception, imaginative inspiration, physical expression, and directed improvisation.
Jiří Pokorný (CZ)
The course integrates elements of contemporary dance and physical theater. After his studies at the Academy of Dance in Prague, Jiří Pokorný began his work at Laterna magika. He didn’t stay there for long, however, as it took him just three seasons to succeed in an audition to NDT, where he would go on to spend several years living most dancers‘ dream – working with the Nederlands Dans Theater. From 2003 till 2010, Jiří has been part of ensembles of both NDT I and NDT II, and until last year he danced in the Kidd Pivot group managed by Canadian choreographer Crystal Pite.
Group 3
Rita Góbi (HU)
This course is oriented towards the emotive aspects of dance. Rita Góbi’s work as a tutor lies in revealing bodily impulses and viewing dance as a phenomenon inseparable from our everyday existence. Her courses encourage participants to understand their selves through the medium of motion in dance. All is measurable by escalating emotion. The dancer creates movement through emotion in order to allow suppressed feelings to surface.
Oliver Pollak (D)
Mime corporel – the Decroux Technique is the main focus of this course. Oliver Pollak graduated in Physical Theatre at the International School of Corporeal Mime, London. He currently teaches at Die Etage in Berlin. As a performer, he has appeared with many European ensembles, including Théâtre de l’Ange Fou, Masholl Theater, a pipe dream company, Compagnie Aquanaut, and Mimentheater Cologne.
Patricie Poráková (CZ)
The focus of this course lies in combining the principles of Argentine tango with physical theater. Patricie Poráková studied body poetry in Barcelona at Estudis del Teatre – Jaques Lecoq. She has also been pursuing contemporary dance, Japanese butoh, contact improvisation, tango, flamenco, and African dance. She participates in dance and theater projects as an actor/dancer as well as choreographer, and travels with international ensembles such as Farm in the Cave and Spitfire Company. She has been extensively involved in tango dancing on site in Argentina for the past 7 years. Argentine tango is characteristic by the exceptionally close embrace between dancers that facilitates intimacy, as well as justifies the mutual reliance on moving harmoniously through space in tango.

Hudební akademie múzických umění,
Česko-německý fond budoucnosti, hl. město Praha, Státní fond kultury ČR,
Mezinárodní festival Nultý bod, Mezinárodní festival Za dveřmi, Česká centra , Nová síť