Fresh Air: Lean Left, Shibuya Motors feat. Dymny, Kern, Pándi

Ken Vandermark & Paal Nilssen-Love have played together since 2000 in various settings & as duo since 2002. The duo work within free expression while including a strong element of heavy rhythmic groove, melody, sound & noise. Together, they join Andy Moor & Terrie Ex of Dutch legends THE EX, who are known for mixing elements of rock, free improvisation,traditional folk & abstract noise to create their own very unique sound world. Both duos converge, crashing along sometimes, creating a cacophonous racket but always musical & always ready to change direction or turn a new corner. The music is extroverted, energetic, powerful & inclusive but also confrontational & provocative, where rhythm, noise, melody & harmony melt together in perfect union.
Shibuya Motors
Slavo Krekovic – electronics, Miro Toth – soprano and alto saxophone, vocal, electronics
Special guests: ddkern – drums, Balázs Pándi, Michal Dymný.
Unce upon a time… somewhere between free jazz mountains, sea of death metal and islands of live electronics… there were SHIBUYA MOTORS! Free improvised electro-acoustic music project closely related to ATRAKT ART label (organizer of the NEXT festival of advanced music in Bratislava), established in 2007 by Slavo Krekovic and Miro Toth, who are also members of other experimental ensembles (Musica falsa et ficta, Voice Over Noise, Frutti di Mare, Q30J666222, Kapela snů, Uran Uran, DJ Hamborgarafabrikkan).