PRO-TÉZA 2017 // Asi ani záhrada (Maybe not even a garden) / Divadlo Kámen (ČR)

Starring Z. Brychtová, O. Ježková, K. Suchá, P. Bláha Nejedlý, M. Škorvaga, P. Odo Macháček, costumes M. Ptáčková, music by specific music for a specific play, directed by P. Odo Macháček
Music should not serve the theater and theater should not serve the music. Neither theater nor music seek domination. A story and a concert about mysterious craters and flying objects heavier than air. Collage of actor expressions and concert music by the Prague theater company. Overall it is about an unbounded concert and unfounded theater. Music and theater don’t influence each other technically, their connection only happens in emotional, aesthetic and common fields.