”UTOPIAN BLUES” II: Ex You feat. Zsolt Sőrés (RS/HU)

voluntary entrance fee
Milan Milojković (DIY electronics), László Lenkes (guitar, objects), Filip Đurović (pozauna, percussions), feat. Zsolt Sőrés (5-string viola, electronics, objects, voice)
Continuing the concert cycle where we offer space to the Hungarian experimental musician and improvisator Zsolt Sőrés, one of A4s resident artists, thanks to the support of the International Visegrad Fund. Our focus on interesting Eastern European music continues with the performance of the Ex You formation, founded in Novi Sad, Vojvodina/Serbia in 2014 by musicians with a relationship to free improvisation and to electroacoustic experiments. Its members are active in the local improv, post-industrial and avant-garde scene, also as organizers.