Palo Fabuš: Je možné demokratizovať samotnú realitu? (Is it possible to democratize reality itself?)

Technology and thought – lecture cycle on media philosophy
In the 70’s J.G. Ballard noticed that the world around him is changing so radically that reality moves to the background and fiction moves to the forefront – that fiction and reality have changed places. Stemming from historical and current philosophical knowledge and sociology of media, the cycle Technology, and Thought explores technological conditions of today’s thought: why is todays world based more in the rules of fantasy than logic?
The first lecture will describe why a new interest in ontology emerged at the end of the 20th, what is the role of technology and what is the challenge we are up against. We will see that reality is not something that we only discover, but its something people create together with machines and nature – and that the question how to create reality is extremely political. Palo Fabuš studied information science, media theory, and sociology. The is the head director of the magazine Umělec and has a long-term interest in the relationship between digital technology and the human burden.