Canceled / Theatre DPM: Franz Kafka Proces
entry: 7 € / 5 € študenti

Theatre DPM: Franz Kafka Proces
Thursday / 20:00 / theatre / 7 € / 5 € students
Direction, dramatization Š.Ferstl, dramaturgy S. Chovanec, set design and costumes L. Madijah Štorcelová, video art J. Mydla, music E. Pánči, camera M. Vasiľ, producition H. Kopkášová, T. Tokárová, cast M. Babej, E. Koprivčević Borsová, L. Libjaková, T. Pokorný, R. Poláčik
Chaos becomes the new order of world. How hard is is to accept the fact that chaos is the new order? Are we really destined to opt for simplifying solutions? 12 rules for life, various medicaments for chaos, simplifying explanations of chaotic reality presented by authorities. Is the anti-system fighter the hero or the villain? God, system, law. All of us carry our process and nobody is playing fair. We want to penetrate the laws but we can’t even follow our own rules.
Realization of this project was supported by the Foundation of Tatra Banka and Goethe Institute, Bratislava Autonomous region and ARS Bratislavensis. The performance is realized by Theatre DPM as a part of activities of the project Miesto M.
entry: 7 € / 5 € študenti