Performativity of working body
entry: voluntary entry

The lecture will present the understanding of Judith Butler’s performativity as an activity that produces certain bodies in a system of heteronormative matrix and certain identities with the possibility of subverting these identities. It raises the question of whether and if so, how, Butler’s theories of performativity can help us understand the formation of working bodies and their possibilities of subverting the existing organization of work. Kobová will examine how to expand Butler’s narrow understanding of time so that performativity as iterability can be complemented by a theory of historical change. The aim is to present possible directions of thinking about the working body as a body that is shaped performatively and historically.
Ľubica Kobová (1978) teaches at the Department of Gender Studies of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University. She deals with feminist political thinking, its history and issues of work and work ethics. She is a member of the editorial board of the magazine Kontradikce. magazine for critical thinking, etc. She collaborates with the Feminist publishing and educational project Aspekt.
Organized by tranzit.sk.
entry: voluntary entry