BJ Nilsen presents ORE (SWE)
entry: 8 € na mieste / 6 € / 1 € študenti v predpredaji

BJ Nilsen (SWE)
Wednesday / 20.00 / concert / 8 € at the venue / 6 € / 1 € students in pre-sale
The Swedish sound artist, composer and field recorder BJ Nilsen comes to present his electroacoustic project ORE. The atmospheric composition on the topic of mining sounds uses the recordings from ore and coal mines in Norway, Russia, the Czech Republic, Finland and The Netherlands, recorded by the artist in the past four years. The inspiration by the concept of the “dark ecology” was made into an impressive performance, examining the impacts of mining on the society and the nature. The artwork was commission by the festival Sonic Acts and the Parisian organization Ina GRM. In A4 we will experience it as a part of the project of international cooperation Re-Imagine Europe, co-financed by the EU’s program Creative Europe and the Slovak Arts Council.
entry: 8 € na mieste / 6 € / 1 € študenti v predpredaji