entry: 9 € advance ticket / 10 € at door / 2 € reduced
Dance & concept: S. Ferienčíková, Visual design & concept: M. Júdová, Sound & concept: A. Timpau, Lights: I. Plavnieks / M. Slama, Produced by BOD.Y o.z. / Z. Frištiková, Co-produced with Alfred ve dvoře, Štúdio 12
EVERYWHEN circles around life’s two planes – the personal and the political. It sharply contrasts the image of a loving, gentle and good private life with the reality of an individual’s social involvement, which might often be sinister, hate-ridden and vengeful. How do we present our political view to our nearest?
This project was supported from public funds by the Slovak Arts Council.
entry: 9 € advance ticket / 10 € at door / 2 € reduced