Discussion A4: Invisible climate crisis and activist perspectives
entry: voluntary entry

Wednesday / 19.00 / discussion
discussed by J. Hrbáň, Klíma ťa potrebuje (Climate needs you), D. K. Majdáková from initiative Nie je nám to jedno and Festival Nasuti, climate collective Bod obratu, dramaturgy and moderation B. Smieška
The tedious course of the pandemic and the war right behind Slovakia’s eastern border reduced the already low level of attention to the crucial global threat – the climate crisis. The threat has not been diminished in any way, if anything, it was made bigger. When we stop noticing a problem, it does not mean it will cease to exist.
The ongoing war significantly reduces the already small chances of solving the global climate crisis. Everything indicates that without organizing ourselves and without a massive mobilization of the local and global public, the fight for climate sustainability will not be won.
How does the current climate movement in Slovakia work in this global context? What obligations and what means are the actors enforcing the Slovak government and/or international institutions to act? What are the results? What perspectives do various actors of climate activism in Slovakia have? What approaches are they choosing? In what ways do they differ? And what ways of approaching mutual connections, necessary mobilization and addressing the themes of threat of climate crisis do they see in the current situation?
entry: voluntary entry