Theatre Pôtoň and Horácké divadlo JIhlava: Swing Heil!
entry: 9 € pre-sale / 4 € reduced / 12 € at the venue / 8 € reduced

Libreto M. Ditte, I. Ditte Jurčová, directed by I. Ditte Jurčová, visual concept I. Ditte Jurčová, K. Caková, dramaturgy M. Godovič, music I. Acher, sound design M. Slama, L. Kubičina, light design M. Ditte, movement/choreography collaboration T. Rychetský, D. Musilová, objects and puppets construction K. Caková, mechanical object construction P. Kvitkovský, project management M. Škojcová, M. Ditte, Ľ. Kvitkovská, starring E. Lehotská, D. Musilová, T. Rychetský, F. Jekkel
International co-production project by Theatre Pôtoň and Horácké divadlo Jihlava focuses on the subculture of jazz and swing lovers in an opposition to the totalitarian Nazi regime. The creators of the play worked with fragments of two authentic stories from the Second World War. The first one is a story of a dancer, choreographer and visual artist Nina Jirsíková, who was probably the only Czech person transported to the concentration camp Ravensbrück for her dance performance in the ballet Fairy Tale about dance. The second story protagonist is Anna Goldsteiner from a small town Pulkau in Lower Austria, who was executed for allowing the local youth – fans of jazz and swing – to meet in her flat. Swing Heil! is a fusion of drama, dance, object and physical theatre.
The play was awarded a Special Jury Prize at the festival New drama 2021 and was nominated for the Academy Award of theatre creators for the best play of the 2020/2021 season.
entry: 9 € pre-sale / 4 € reduced / 12 € at the venue / 8 € reduced