Debate_A4: Punishment for marijuana – Slovak Evergreen
entry: voluntary entry

Research shows that marijuana is not more harmful than legal drugs like alcohol or cigarettes. However, marijuana is criminalized by the state. In Slovakia, draconian prison sentences are often given for its possession and use, as in the case of J. Šipoš, who was recently sentenced by the Trnava court to 15 years in prison and confiscation of property for growing marijuana for the production of medicinal ointments.
Why does the state still consider the possession and use of marijuana to be a serious anti-social activity? Does its use really lead to the mythical gateway behind which hard drugs lurk? Isn’t the best solution to finally decriminalize marijuana?
Discussed by: Dominika Jašeková, OZ Odyseus, Jakub Popík, Slovenské národné stredisko pre ľudské práva a Igor Ribár, Advokátska kancelária Ribár&Partners
Dramaturgy and moderation: Bohdan Smieška
entry: voluntary entry