Directed by Mai Masri (Lebanon), 2001, 56 min., Arabic + EN subtitles
Mona and Manar are two Palestinian girls growing up in refugee camps in Beirut and Bethlehem. Despite the overwhelming barriers that separate them, the girls form a close friendship through letters and a dramatic meeting at the Lebanese border. Filmed during the liberation of southern Lebanon from Israeli occupation and at the beginning of the Palestinian intifada, Frontiers of Dreams and Fears articulates the feelings, hopes, and growing activism of a generation of young Palestinians living in exile.
Kino inak A4 thanks Zaher Jureidini for his help and the director Mai Masri. By attending this screening, you are supporting Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), as A4 will donate the screening fee to them, like Mai Masri requested. You can also personally support MAP; please consider donating if you are able to via MAP’s donation website.
The digitalization of kino inak was financially supported by the Audiovisual Fund.
entry: presale 5 € / 4 € reduced // at the venue 6 €