

Saturday at 8:00 PM

THE EDGE OF SKY, Jordina Millà / Julyen Hamilton / Robie Legros (Premiere)

entry: presale 9 € / 4 € reduced // at the venue 12 € / 8 € reduced

“When did we meet
At the invisible line
that spoke both of old and future times?
There, in a shade of the newborn,
we left our lives for
being elsewhere”

THE EDGE OF SKY is a dance-music theater performance.
It is a fluid encounter which transcends that which we have known until now. The usual perspectives…. shaken, twisted and turned.

Pianist Jordina Millà and performers Julyen Hamilton and Robie Legros create work in which dance, speech, music and light speak through each other ……the reality, cruelty and humor of a new theater.


Jordina Millà is a pianist and improviser based in Salzburg with a classical background. Beside her musical path she is engaged in the field of improvisation and multidisciplinary performance, working regularly with disciplines like theater, circus and contemporary dance.

Julyen Hamilton was born in England and currently lives in Girona and Athens. He has been creating, directing and teaching dance for over 40 years. Since 1990, Julyen has created over 100 solo performances and directed three companies. The current company “Allen’s Line” is based in Brussels, Belgium.

Robie Legros is a choreographer and performer living in Brno. Since 2009 she has worked on the creation and performance of numerous dance solos and performances in collaboration with live musicians. As a director, Robie has initiated several international interdisciplinary theatre projects that have been performed in Slovakia and abroad.

Music: Jordina Millà
Dance & voice: Julyen Hamilton, Robie Legros
Lights: Matthieu Legros
Co-production: ORBITA & CREAT STUDIO

Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council and Bratislava City Foundation. The project was financially supported by the Statutory City of Brno and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. The partner of the project is A4 – Space for Contemporary Culture.

entry: presale 9 € / 4 € reduced // at the venue 12 € / 8 € reduced