The Architects + discussion with the Tenants’ Initiative (INN)
entry: pay what you can

Directed by Kerren Lumer-Klabbers (NO), 2023 75 min., Norwegian + English subtitles
The inner city of the future is an expensive, alienating and empty place – except for the living mannequins and shop assistants who, even in ostensibly public spaces, bully those who linger into buying things. Julie is an architect. She is lucky because she is working for a renowned architectural practice, even if only as a coffee-making intern. When a large project to build a thousand flats in the centre of Oslo is put out to tender, she has an idea: why not convert the underground car parks that are empty in the car-free city centre into residential buildings? A needs-based, sustainable solution that would conserve resources. Average rents have long since become unaffordable for most working people, anyway. Naturally, there are no windows in these flats, but that is actually an advantage given the high price of glass. Besides, in Berlin, one hears, more people already live underground than above.
This debut series from screenwriting duo Nora Landsrød and Kristian Kilde and director Kerren Lumer-Klabbers is a clear-sighted and pitch-black satire about an all-too-near future, somewhere between “Brave New World” and “The World of Interiors”.
More and more people cannot afford their own apartment. Rental housing is thus an increasingly common choice for many of us. But rented housing is still associated with great insecurity, dignity and rising economic costs. It is impossible to create a permanent home in such conditions. The Tenants’ Initiative wants to change this situation. They seek social change that will bring dignity and security of housing to those who cannot achieve home ownership. The screening will be followed by a discussion in English with members of the Tenants’ Initiative (Iniciatívy nájomníkov a nájomníčok).
The digitalization of Kino inak was financially supported by the Audiovisual Fund.
entry: pay what you can