Debout les femmes ! Directed by Gilles Perret and François Ruffin (FR), 2021, 85 min., French spoken + English subtitles
In this new journey, Ruffin & Perret embarks us across France to meet caretakers at the front lines during the current Covid-19 crises. Those people, mostly women, who give their lives, their time and often their health to help and care for elders, disabled and left out are in fact left aside by the French social regulations. No minimum wage, no work-time limitation, no social recognition force them to stand up for their basic rights!
The event is organized in cooperation with the French Institute.
Supported using public funding by Bratislava City Foundation. The digitalization of Kino inak was financially supported by the Audiovisual Fund.
entry: presale 4 € / 3 € reduced // at the door 5 €