Futurit: Edgelords or artistic provocateurs?
entry: pay what you can

The presentation will be in Slovak.
If you want to listen to extreme music, you have to admit that you’re going to encounter strange themes: nihilism, violence, misanthropy, perverted sex. Often it’s fiction, fantasy, but often it’s also a self-serving escalation that hides strange people and their warped worldview, misogyny, racism. There’s a lot of youthful exuberance that tries too hard and gets old fast, and a lot of those who copy the originals and lose the point in the process.
Who is just an edgelord*, and who is the real artist – the provocateur, the satirist? Whose exaggerated work pushes musical and moral boundaries, bringing taboo aesthetics and ideas to the fore?
Find out more about what lies behind extreme music at Peter Dolník’s Futurit music lecture.
Topics: Suicide, Memphis rap, Clipping, hipster metal, Throbbing Gristle
*An edgelord is someone, typically on the internet, who tries to impress or shock by posting exaggerated opinions such as nihilism or extremist views.
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Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council and Bratislava City Foundation.
entry: pay what you can