Światłodźwięki V4: International Audiovisual Art Festival – presentations
entry: free entrance

Every year, the Światłodźwięki Festival presents the most important works by European and Polish artists who are fascinated by the interplay of visual forms and music into a consistent audiovisual experience. This year, thanks to the support of the Visegrad Fund, the event will also visit Prague and Bratislava for the first time. Get ready for a series of audiovisual performances, concerts, jam sessions and presentations where artists will share their insights on interdisciplinary experiences and the connection between art and technology.
Dear visitors,
The leadership of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic is taking steps that are destroying Slovak culture! Their power interventions and changes in laws threaten our functioning as well as freedom and diversity of art. We protest against this course! The cultural centers associated in the Anténa network call on you, our audience, not to stay indifferent. We call on you to follow current events, visit our cultural spaces and discuss.
Stay with us and let’s fight together for free culture.
The Światłodźwięki V4 edition is co-organised by Our ‘PL’ace Foundation for the Promotion of Culture (PL), Punctum (CZ) and A4, with key support from the International Visegrad Fund.
More at swiatlodzwieki.art
Friday 8 November – performances
18:00 Petr Vrba, Keya Singh
19:30 Paweł Krupski, Jakub Królikowski, Cheslav Singh
20:40 Natálie Pleváková
21:50 Concert A-V – Slávo Krekovič, Lenka Adamcová, Adela Mede
Saturday 9 November – presentations/artist talks
13:15 -14:00 Talks – Paweł Krupski, Jakub Królikowski, Cheslav Singh
14:10 – 15:20 Petr Vrba, Keya Singh
15:30 – 16:00 Natálie Pleváková
16:10 – 16:40 Slávo Krekovič
16:50 – 17:20 Lenka Adamcová: Invisible Soul Narratives
17:30 – 18:00 Adela Mede
entry: free entrance