Director Mati Diop (FR/SN/BJ), 2024, 68 min., English and French with Czech subtitles
November 2021, 26 royal treasures from the Kingdom of Dahomey are about to leave Paris and return to their country of origin, today’s Benin. Along with thousands of other artefacts, they were stolen by French colonial troops in 1892. But what attitude to take towards the return of their ancestors to a country that must have moved on in their absence? This too is the subject of a lively debate among students at the University of Abomey-Calavi.
Rating: 15+ (discrimination, fear)
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The leadership of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic is taking steps that are destroying Slovak culture! Their power interventions and changes in laws threaten our functioning as well as freedom and diversity of art. We protest against this course! The cultural centers associated in the Anténa network call on you, our audience, not to stay indifferent. We call on you to follow current events, visit our cultural spaces and discuss.
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Supported using public funding by Bratislava City Foundation and Bratislava Old Town. The digitalization of Kino inak was financially supported by the Audiovisual Fund.
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