6 € v predpredaji / 8 € na mieste
Držte si klobúky, bude veterno. Prichádzajú Guardian Alien – v roku 2010 založená a už dnes kultová newyorská kapela, ktorej divoký a nespútaný rytmický pohon drží pevne v rukách fenomenálny (bez preháňania) bubeník Greg Fox. Spoluhráč Bena Frosta a súčasť zaniknuvších metalových Liturgy sa minulú jar u nás mihol v triu Zs a bol to tranz roka. Nadpozemský psychedelický zážitok z extatických, dôkladne vygradovaných plôch sľubujú aj Guardian Alien, onálepkovaní ako „experimentalists of psych“: vydávajú na kľúčovom labeli Thrill Jockey a nie náhodou sa ich ostatný počin pýši názvom Spiritual Emergency. Sálu rozohreje na tú správnu teplotu zbrusu nový drone-ambient-noise-field-recordings projekt Tódai-Ji, ktorý pre nás ukuchtili dve stálice domácej off-scény – Casi Cada Minuto a Drén.
✚✚✚ GUARDIAN ALIEN (US/Thrill Jockey) ✚✚✚
✚✚✚ Tódai-Ji ✚✚✚
Guardian Alien, led by the unparalleled drumming of Greg Fox, is an integral part of a new wave of New York avant-garde musicians. Taking inspiration from those that came before, such as Milford Graves (with whom Fox has studied), and the great minimalist composer Rhys Chatham, Guardian Alien rejects previously established forms while selectively contorting elements of many into a wholly unique and personal new order. Striking a unique balance between sounds produced acoustically and electronically, its latest work, Spiritual Emergency, shows the group harnessing instability and cosmic fluctuations, pushing its sound in multiple directions simultaneously to create a pivotal moment in the post-modern New York underground.
Greg Fox is joined on this recording by Alexandra Drewchin (vocals/electronics), Bernard Gann (guitar), Turner Williams (shahai baaja) and Eli Winograd (bass). Spiritual Emergency was recorded by legendary engineer and producer Wharton Tiers (Sonic Youth, Glenn Branca).
Shortly following the recording of Spiritual Emergency, Williams and Winograd left New York to pursue other opportunities, cementing Guardian Alien as the current trio of Fox, Gann, and Drewchin. Fox, who also currently plays as a member of Zs, has continued to collaborate with a remarkable array of musicians, including Ben Frost, Colin Stetson, Dustin Wong and Kid Millions. Guardian Alien will tour extensively in 2014.
FB event:http://on.fb.me/SnLJNF