DIGITOPIA: Gao Jiafeng (CN/US), Exoterrism (HK)

Nočný dvojkoncert vyslancov ázijskej zvukovej avantgardy.
Striedavo v Pekingu a New Yorku usadený umelec Gao Jiafeng je známy svojimi intermediálnymi vystúpeniami zameranými na zvuk, ale spájajúcimi viacero prístupov z rôznych oblastí každodenného života: rozprávanie príbehov, terénne nahrávky, komentovanie televízie, videá z Youtube, živé karaoke, ázijský pop, noise a improvizáciu.
Hongkongský zvukový umelec Exoterrism alias Fan Yau mieša inšpiráciu ezoterickými systémami s počítačovými algoritmami, ale zaujímajú ho aj chyby, spätné väzby a chaotické funkcie. Neustály hľadač nových zvukov a techník syntézy vytvára svojím rytmickým experimentovaním krátkodobé halucinácie či až „mimozemské“ zážitky.
Beijing/New York based Gao Jiafeng makes cross-disciplinary performances that are sound-oriented, by integrating a variety of sound strategies within his own vocabulary gained from daily life: storytelling, field recording, TV commentating, Youtube videos, live Karaoke, Asian pop, noise and improvisation. Gao organizes a monthly concert series in New York. He also manages Muted Portraits, a label that releases only spoken-word context surrounding particular pieces of music.
In his work, Exoterrism (Fan Yau), seeks to overcome the separation between geometrical consciousness and the coming four dimensional perception. Influenced by esoteric systems,Yau often engages computer processed algorithms, as well as errors, feedback and chaotic functions. Constantly seeking for new sounds and synthesizing techniques, he researches the links and differences in human rational, scientific thinking and our existence as a spritual being in the universe. Through experimentations of sound and it’s reaction on the human body, creating short term hallucinations or extra terrestrial experiences. When technology has already surpassed the current notion of space and time, patterns repetiting through a multidimensional expanding dynamic system feedbacking through the present moment.
When human soul is interpretated as binary decisions and the mind becomes only a consequence of a loop from where you are conditioned.
Segmenting to diffrent stratas between the moment you think and the moment you execute.
Running label thidrtypetapes with c_c,