October 29

A4 at the TEH conference in Paris

A few days ago we arrived home from the conference Trans Europe Hall (network of cultural centers initiated by citizens and artists from Europe), which this time took place in Bagneux – one of the youngest parts of Paris. 
We were hosted by the amazing people of the Le plus petit cirque du monde (PPCM) organization, whose focus is certainly unconventional. It is a place of artistic research and experiments – mostly experiments with the artist’s body. They concentrate on making new talents recognized and support all the fresh artistic attitudes in circus art, dance, theatre and music.
Besides being excited simply cause of taking the trip, we also took part in many really well prepared workshops, had intriguing discussions with the members of the network and brought a whole bag of inspiration and new networking contacts home.
One of the most important moments was meeting with the Art’s Education platform – which we are also a part of for already some years. The topic of the meeting was a terminology of artistic and educational activities in culture centers, their organizers, workshop leaders, employees, volunteers and so on. We found out that Slovak and German language are actually not too developed when it comes to “culture-center-terminology” and that everything is called a “workshop” these days.
We would like to thank the Fund for supporting arts for allowing us to take part of the conference.