June 27

End of the season party (A4 on decs)!

The season is slowly coming to the end and this time we close it highly. The A4 team has prepared a traditionally non-traditional A4´s Záverečná party aneb A4 púšťa! for you. Simply a party, that is a requied ride for all cultural enthusiasts and supporters of A4. An opportunity, where you all can meet each other, debate, something eat and have plenty of fun.

The farewell to the season will be held on Monday 26.6 from 17:00. You will enjoy a delicious snack, a buffet, a great catering, good drinks and dancing to the music of A4 (anti)talents from 17:00 to 20:00. The top of the program will be a silent disco at 20.00 – 22.00 with two DJs, whose names will soon revealed. The entry is free and line up, even it’s a secret, it will be really cool. Don´t let fly A4´s púšťačka, you can expect only a perfect atmosphere.