Production and interpretation: P. Cser Ferienčíková S., P. Fornayová, M. Haas, Video: Hanuljak A., J. sand. Sound: VJ-ing J. sand. Light Design: I. Plavnieks.
A. Hanuljak, R. Imrich, J. Štefániková / K. Kubelová. Dramaturgy: P. Šulej. Costumes: I. Haas. Text: M. Habaj zbierka, Caput Mortum, P. Macsovszky zbierka Santa Panica, P. Šulej zbierka nodes. Music: Burlas M., A. Vivaldi, Hole, Casi Cada Minuto, G. Bizet, P. Glass. Production: AST
Bread and games … or just continue … Let us rejoice…
Opernball is a metaphor for a closed system, a society that confines to a special hierarchy and special values. It is a critique of the neo-liberal approach applied to anything without distinction. What does it mean to be / work / be / form outside or in a system? What / Who is in? The existential fear of finding oneself outside a system of support. Creation versus basic necessities of life – is art something society needs or is art only a means of fun?
The project was developed with the support of Ministry of Culture, the Center Choreographic Development SE.S.TA in Zdar, the Literary Fund, Balassi Institute in Bratislava and A4 – Space for Contemporary Culture.