Nomadic Arts Festival ‘16: Neighbourhood and Territory

Neighbourhood and Territory is a performance and cultural festival taking place in a local area around the two streets: Šancová and Karpatská, Bratislava. The aim is to engage with the local community around A4, by bringing the textures of the neighbourhood into the forefront, through research, arts and cultural activity. The festival is thus an investigation into Neighbourhood and Territory, which will celebrate and explore the area by inviting local, regional and international artists and researchers to work with local citizens, initiatives and NGO’s. The research aims to shed new light onto our own position in the place (home) where we live and questioning what our roles are within it: socially, environmentally and globally.
Opening ceremony: Friday 23.9., 17:00
More information www.facebook.com/nomadicartsfestival
Co-organizer Susedenie na Šanci, Jedlé mesto
In partnership with neighbors and friends: PAS || Performance Art Studies, tranzit/sk, Susedia na dvore, Vnútroblok, mini Art, Proti prúdu, Nota bene, Salónik, Amnesty International Slovakia, Aliancia Fair-play, Vagus, Unfold
Support: Fond na podporu umenia, Erasmus+, Nadace Via, ViabilityNet, Iuventa, vach.print