Ospalý pohyb / Klára a Ján

Ospalý pohyb baptizes a new album! Material from an optimisticly called Úzkosť a rozklad (Anxiety and Decomposition) will sound in this memorable evening. The band originated as a logical continuation of older projects by composer Martin Burlas – Maťkovia and Zabudnutý ohyb. Several more or less permanent members and guests (Lucia Piussi, Miki Škuta, Jozef Vlk) were replaced in this band and recorded three albums. Currently, Ospalý pohyb is a set with Peter Zagar (keys), Daniel Baláž (percussion and electronics) and Pavol Hubinák (guitar), singing, keys and bass guitar is played by Martin Burlas.
An extraordinary pair of Klára and Ján, winners of Radio_Head Award in the category of Experimental Music, will be showed in 30-minute composition Sny (Dreams). Musical accompaniment and video will be work of Andrej Danóczi (synthesiser, samles, loops).