

Wednesday at 8:00 PM

PRO-TÉZA 2017 // Sloboda: Najdrahšie kapitalistické slovo / Divadlo Bitef (RS) / (Freedom: The most expensive capitalist word)

Authors and actors M. Pelević, O. Dimitrijević, choreography I. Koruga, music A. Đorđević, costumes L. Dragović, video D. Petrović, technical manager L. Radivojević, stage manager M. Jovanović, light design D. Đurković, I. Milenković, sound M. Vladić, J. Hadžić, executive producers D. Jovović, O. Kecojevic, J. Janjić

The inscenation, inspired by author research in the most isolated country in the world – North Korea, questions the idea of freedom in a time of evermore intensive globalism. The audience has a chance to experience tourists guides through a country, which offers questions for contemporary society about freedom and opression.