DRAMA QUEER 2017 // Irvine Welsh: Pohlavní životy siamských dvojčat / Meetfactory, Prague
Translation R. Tschorn, Directed by N. Deáková, scenes and costumes J. Smetanová, music J. Kudláč, dramatization and dramaturgy M. Samec, production M. Juránková, video N. Brabcová, photography T. Havlínková, starring Z. Stivínová and P. Beretová
Love, calories, perversity, fragile inner lives of women hard on the outside and the sex life of Siamese twins: all of the above in numbers, with which America is obsessed. The first theater inscenation the latest novel from Irwin Welsh’s, the author of the cult classics Acid House and Trainspotting.
Organised by Nomantinels