Palo Fabuš: Mediácia alebo Živé metafory – Pavol Fabuš: Meditation and live Metaphors

Technology and thought – lecture cycle on media philosophy
Pavol Fabuš’s second lecture from the Technology and Thought cycle. As much as we might feel that media have been following humankind from its beginning, we can really start talking about it in the 20th century. Our musings on their nature stem mostly from significant multiplication and omnipresent spread – medialization. The thorough examination of their nature and origins brings just not just to the questions „What is a human? “, but also to the realization that media doesn’t truly exist.
Palo Fabuš studied information science, media theory, and sociology. He is the head director of the magazine Umělec and has a long-term interest in the relationship between digital technology and the human burden.