Príbeh nula: „The Left to the City“ – Reflexie z aténskych ulíc (Reflections from the streets of Athens)

Fifty years after the first publication of Henri Lefebvre’s book The right to the city, we can witness how this term was swallowed by various neoliberal agendas, communal politicians, conservative academic urbanists, to name a few. In her presentation, a public confession and visual manifest, the sociologist and photographer Myrto Tsilimpounidi will focus on the term „the right to the city” in an attempt to closely examine the following questions: Whose right to the city? Should rights in the city only belong to the proper citizens? Is Lefebvre’s „right to the city” still important for urban social movements? Through materials and examples from Athenian riots in 2008, we will paint a picture of „left to the city” or that which remained from the right to the city.
Organized by Príbeh 0.