Famous painting guide manual / 19th Century

Every Thursday / 16.30 children (4-6 y.) / creative art workshops
Lecturer Monika Pascoe Mikyšková
History of art is composed of many famous paintings. We know some of them, thanks to their better promotion, even if we are not art experts. For example Mona Lisa from Leonardo da Vinci, the murals of the Sixtine Chapel from Michelangelo or the paintings of Andy Warhol. But there are many interesting paintings whose authors are equally famous, but we only learn of the from art history books. The workshops focus on paintings and authors which are important for you to know.
After the 20th century, the course will move to the art of the 19th century, in a reverse chronological order, and we will focus on paintings as well as the beginnings of photography. The course is composed of a short theoretical introduction and a practical creative part.
To sign up, send an e-mail to: m.pascoe.mikyskova@gmail.com