

Monday at 8:00 PM

Orsolya Kaincz (HU), Bratislava Improvisers Orchestra

entry: free entry

Orsolya Kaincz (HU) will present the outcome of her two-month residency in A4 as part of the Visegrad Art Residency Program. Her interests include contemporary composition, improvisation, electroacoustic experimentation and sound art. Currently she works with modular synthesizers and field recordings.

About the upcoming composition he says: “I am interested in the state of listening and how this attitude can produce knowledge and shape identity. While dead-end capitalism continues to offer shocking technological responses to the ecological crisis, our everyday decisions are constrained by endlessly optimized, blunt platforms and algorithms. These systems determine our behavior, hiding from us our own complexity and material reality. The situation that has emerged is often described as deterministic, which can become paralyzing. How does sensitivity to sound and contextualization of sounding phenomena bring us closer to exploring their material, power and cultural dimensions? How does embodied listening help us identify the dynamics in our environment, bringing emotion and intuition back into play and helping us (re)connect?”

Alongside this, you will also experience the first of another series of always different and always surprising concerts by the A4’s ever-changing resident ensemble – the Bratislava Improvisers Orchestra together with Orsola Kaincz. The ensemble is a loose group of musicians playing both acoustic and electronic instruments, dedicated to freely improvised music of various forms.

Dear visitors,

The leadership of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic is taking steps that are destroying Slovak culture! Their power interventions and changes in laws threaten our functioning as well as freedom and diversity of art. We protest against this course! The cultural centers associated in the Anténa network call on you, our audience, not to stay indifferent. We call on you to follow current events, visit our cultural spaces and discuss.

Stay with us and let’s fight together for free culture.

Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council and Bratislava City Foundation.
The performance was created within the Visegrad Artist Residency Program with the support of the International Visegrad Fund.

entry: free entry